Huwebes, Oktubre 25, 2012

Magellan's Maritime Museum 

In Magellan's Maritime Museum you can see many antique jars and coins recovered by divers under the sea these artifacts seems hundred years of old they recovered it one of magellans ship use in travel other items that can be seen in magellan's maritime museum is a old model of a ship that magellan used for traveling. 

This is my experience in Magellan's Maritime 

Ocean Adventure

Ocean Adventure

In ocean adventure you can see different kinds of marine animal such as dolphin, sea lions, stingray, jellyfish, etc.
Ocean adventure take care of these marine animal they protect their habitat its important to take care to our marine species most of them are endangered because some fishing vessel catch them to sell. And its important to do not dispose plastic in the sea because 

some fishes eat plastic causes them to die.

First marine animal you can see is a dolphin.
Dolphin are related to whales too because they have blow holes allowing them to breath the second one is a stingray
Stingray is a flat diamond shaped marine animal it has a poisonous spine
the third one is a jellyfish.
Jellyfish a free-swimming coelenterate

This is my experience in Ocean Adventure

San Guillermo Church

San Guillermo Church  Bacolor, Pampanga

After the Mt.Pinatubo erupted the church is covered of lahar many people died inside the church if you went inside the church the windows are low because 1/6 of the church are visible as you can see the 4th picture below the chandelier of the church are low.

On the 5th picture San Pedro Calungsod is the 2nd filipino saint

Calungsod was officially canonized by Pope Benedict XVI

This is my experience on San Guillermo Church Bacolor, Pampanga